Dev Skills trainings
Extreme Ownership*

Coding trainings in Rust and C++,
Technical Coaching,
Project Consulting and Support.

)* Right Tools for emphasizing of accountability, proactive problem-solving,
and a commitment to continuous improvement

Extreme Ownership
Software Engineering Projects

We've got the right tools for coders:
Practical, Powerful and Proven

Coding Training

Coding Training
(Rust and C++)

We focus on Rust, eventually on C++
and occasionally on Python?

Safe programming is in focus of our trainings for Professionals, Advanced Coders and Beginners.

Customized trainings are provided according to  specific requirements for:

Commercial customers
IT education agencies

Technical Coaching

Technical Coaching

Speed of delivery is your strategic advantage in the market, when risks in software engineering are minimized and the scope for new ideas are created.

- Clean Code,
- Test Driven Dev.,
- Refactoring

are in focus to provide excellent code and to avoid common pitfalls.

Assessments Consulting

Assessments Consulting

Software Technology Assessments,
Code Assessments, and Testing Assessments
are pivotal in ensuring the success of software engineering projects.

Together, these assessments create a robust framework for quality assurance,
risk reduction, and
continuous improvement in software development life cycles.

Communication, Project Support

Communication Project Support

Human aspects are a significant source of failures and obstacles in the successful Software Development Lifecycle.

Effective communication is essential for fostering team collaboration, and understanding client needs.

Additionally, risk management, resource negotiations, conflict resolution, implemented crisis measures are crucial for project success.

Safe programming in focus

First-Class Coding Trainings
in Rust and C++

customized for
commercial end-customers
and for
IT education agencies.

Detailed training description

We do not provide a detailed training description on this website, as our trainings are individually customized according to the requirements of our contractors. As we are not fans of generalizations, let's share how we perceive the professional, advanced, and beginner levels of coders we provide training for:

Professional Coders:

We focus on: How to code to enable
effective code testing
and code maintenance

Safe programming, design patterns, code design, knowledge ugrades of current industrial standards and current code language version are usually in focus of this training. 

Advanced Coders:

We shift them from 
"I am able to create an executable code" 

up to the level  

"How to create an executable code in such a way to avoid any irritations and/or frustrations in code testing and maintenance in the future“.


Encounter of the Third Kind.

This is how beginners usually feel in their first coding training. 

We know how to talk to Beginners as we are andragogy fans. Therefore we adapt the training flow according to beginner's individual needs

Technical Coaching

It is not just a training course or a workshop. It is the way to develop and retain skills, methods and team mindset in-house to ensure the

Consistent delivery capability,
Short development times,
Convincing product quality.

Speed of delivery is your strategic advantage in the market, when risks in software engineering are minimized and the scope for new ideas are created.

Clean Code

The clean code standards enable to create an intuitive and comprehensible source codes. The code concepts should enable a very fast and nearly effortless understanding of the content. If you do so following can be achieved:
  • better code maintenance,

  • much less bugs in code,

  • faster code updates

Test Driven Development (TDD)

TDD combines the idea of test elaboration
preceding programming with that of “developer testing.”

Expected Benefits:

  • Many teams report reductions in defect rates due to TDD.

  • Although there’s a moderate increase in initial development effort, these overheads are often offset by reduced effort in the project’s final phases.

  • Veteran practitioners believe that TDD leads to improved design qualities in the code.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Individual mistakes include forgetting to run tests frequently, writing overly trivial tests, or writing tests for trivial code.

  • Team pitfalls include partial adoption (only a few developers using TDD) and poor maintenance of the test suite.


Refactoring is the process of improving the internal structure or design of existing code without changing its external behavior.

The primary goal of refactoring is to

  • make the code easier to understand, modify, and maintain,

  • while also reducing the risk of introducing new bugs.

Purpose of refactoring:

  • Refactoring aims to enhance code quality without adding new functionality.

  • It focuses on improving the design, structure, and implementation of the software.

Benefits of refactoring:

  • Maintainability: Refactored code is easier to maintain in the long term.

  • Risk Reduction: By restructuring code, we reduce the chances of introducing new defects.

  • Readability: Clearer code makes it easier for developers to understand and work with.

Assessment Consulting

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Software Technology Assessment

Which software technology exactly matches your requirements?

You would like to:

  • start a new development

  • replace or modernize a legacy system?

Consider which software technology best aligns with your individual requirements and priorities. Choose the one that excels in all the aspects that matter most to you. Additionally, seek concrete suggestions on how to approach and realize your project.

What can I do for you:

  • Evaluation: Known evaluation criteria, weighted according to your preferences

  • Presentation and explanation of the alternative courses of action

  • Concrete recommendations

  • On request, I can also support you in the implementation of the project and/or technology trainings.

Code assessment

We are getting to the meat of the story:
  • Achieve transparency of the real state of your software system

  • Compare the quality of several software systems you wish to apply

You have to:

  • Eliminate bugs in code as they tie up your team capacity

  • Face the problem of less and less time for implementation of new features

  • Overcome the trap of high costs and lot of effort on further developments

These are typical symptoms of deficiencies in internal software quality. However, the origin of these symptoms is not clear and you have to know where to start best to rectify them. On the other hand the investing in the further development of a particular project might be the option. These are exactly the things you want to know.

What can I do for you:

  • Code assessment and evaluation with your team

  • Extreme coding training - performed directly on your projects

Testing Assessment

More confidentiality with less testing effort

Your system landscape grew significantly in the past:

  • Do the system tests consume lot of time and financial resources?

  • Do you face regular delivery delays due to cost-intensive tests?

  • Are your tests confusing and hard to maintain?

Would you like to:

  • Complete test runs in the "nightly build"?

  • Achieve few system tests in leaner, clearer test structures?

  • Implement a safety net of automated unit tests?

What I can do for you:

  • Analyze and assess all dimensions of your testing environment.

  • Derive a catalogue of measures from the results of the analysis and assessment to eliminate all bottle necks in your testing processes.

  • Provide implementation support and special training courses to support you to code according to the principles of Test Driven Development (TDD).


Communication, Project Support

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About Us

Our training center at Na Folimance 2155/15, Vinohrady, is dedicated to honing software engineering skills. We offer specialized coaching on assessment, testing, and clean code practices, empowering teams to excel. From beginners learning coding basics in C++, Rust, and Python to professionals upgrading their knowledge, we provide a comprehensive range of training. Dive deep into safe programming in C++ and Rust to elevate your coding standards. Join us at our state-of-the-art facility for an immersive learning experience.

References, Projects

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Empower Your Software Engineering Skills

Join us to level up your coding expertise and master the latest industry standards. Take the next step in your software engineering journey!